Friday, March 02, 2007


It's that time of the year again folks!

Shahrom is supposed to do the jerseys and confirm the dates of Div 2
for us this year. So I'm still waiting on that.

In the mean time, a whole bunch of people still owe me money, but more
on that in a later mail.

Most importantly, does anyone want to start training again ? I met Jia
jih yesterday and they are willing to train with us, either by booking
a pitch some where, or at RI.

Who is in ?

P.S: Shahrom, now would also be a good time to intro the new boys you
want to bring in this year.


Junxian aka Toyol

New Blog

Hi guys,

I have updated the blog and you should be receiving an email soon to
allow you to post to the blog.

Also note that sending it to the following email address will allow
you to post to the blog as well:

